... this world. The world that has been a big treasure chest for me. A treasure chest filled with all things inside, either be good or bad, either useful or useless. And in this blog, I will talk about them, tackle them and write about them from my own understanding and perspective... hope you'll like it.

Sunday, December 2, 2007

Who am I?

I am John Clemens B. Texon, the eldest son of Ferdinand and Ana Marie Texon…
I may say that I am a son who is not that good and not that bad, a discerner of God’s call, an altar server, a poet, short story writer and teller, a soccer and table tennis player, a choir member, an actor, a drummer, a fanatic of Parokya ni Edgar and Kamikazee, a friend, best friend but not anymore can be a boyfriend. But all the more, I am a son of God.